Tafseer course introduces deeper and detailed explanation of verses of Quran. Learning tafseer is essential for proper understanding of Quran. Without knowledge of Tafseer, we cannot completely understand the implication of Quran. Tafseer is meant to explain the context and reference and other details. TAFSIR is an Arabic word تفسير which is derived from the root ‘fassara. Fassara means to explain, to expound, to elaborate, to eludiate or to interpret. The word tafsir is the verbal noun of fassara and tafsir means the explanation or interpretation of something. [Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi – Kitab al Ayn]
Couse Structure
- Class Type: One-on-One
- Class Duration: 30 minutes
- Age Level: Atleast 5 Years
- Course Level: Beginner
- Course Period: Depends upon student's ability
- Tutor: Online Private tutor
- Gender: Both Male/Female
- Languages: Urdu / English
A Source of Guidance
Everyone can find the ultimate guidance through the Holy Book. Quran is a complete source for finding out the path of righteous ones, as it says; “And we have sent down the Book to you as an explanation for everything, a guidance, a mercy and glad tidings for Muslims” [Quran 16:89] In order to get the most out of Divine speech, we need to acquire more in depth knowledge of the Holy Book. Taking up tafseer course is one way of acquiring such knowledge. A person who learns tafseer can better understand the intended meaning of a verse, the rulings commanded by the Almighty through the verses, and to form a better perception. A better understanding of Quran with the help of Hadees and sunnah helps with implementation of rulings in daily life more accurately.
What you will Learn in this Course?
- Meaning of verses
- Explanation of verses
- Shaan-e-Nuzool (Context)
- Rabt between Surahs
- Explanation of Surahs
- Understanding of Rulings
- Application of Rulings
- Hadis references